I really want to change my name to Vivi. I've been thinking of changing my name for years. I hate my name to death, it's so dull and boring, and it rhymes with my last name (kind of) and I'm still kind of truamatized when people used to use rhyme my name with all these other words in elementary school ;0; *was picked on alot lol* (booty, fruity, moody, and the beginning two letters have a annoying similarity to 'pig' in mandarin*siiiigh*)
I've wanted Mimi, but my friend said that people would think about
<= THIS MIMI, from the drew carey show, so I was like 'aww AWWW' xD
So mimi is out of the question, but vivi's pretty damn close!
And why is it that I associate vivi with purple? I don't know where that association came from....