
Jun 05, 2011 10:26

Haven't blogged on here for a while.

I quit work last Tuesday, which is a bit relaxing, because I was getting a bit 'bleah' with the shift work. Now I'll be able to wake up and go to sleep at around the same times on successive weeks! How luxurious.

I left to do a research Masters, which should take around a year. Hopefully after that I'll be able to do a PhD.

My research will be on thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence. This isn't much to do with what I was doing in honours, which is a bit sad, but it is also good, because I'll be learning about luminescence dating. Almost all of luminescence work/research is equally divided into dosimetry and dating work, so it'd be good if I actually know something about dating. (A tiny fraction of luminescence research is about using it to figure out information about defects in materials, but probably at least 98% is dosimetry or dating.)

Thermally transferred optically stimulated luminescence is luminescence which is induced by exposing a material to light that only occurs when you heat the material up first. The more I research it, the more complicated it seems and the less it appears people know about it. Which is good, I suppose, because it means I have lots to research.

I'm a lot happier at uni. For one thing, when I get home, I'm not too tired to do anything. For another, original research FTW.


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