Feb 15, 2005 19:08
whozurdaddy2214: im eatin one of those wax...bottles things.....but it has sour juice inside which i dun care for too much.
whozurdaddy2214: gag me with a spoon
Molly783: HAHA eew those are so ghetto
Molly783: wheneever i eat one, i feel like a little black boy
whozurdaddy2214: not a huggie...
Molly783: HAHAHAH
whozurdaddy2214: mary drinks those
Molly783: huggies are so ghetto.
whozurdaddy2214: ...and yet, shes the one going to Shit U
Molly783: lol
Molly783: brown=poop=shit
Molly783: i get it!
whozurdaddy2214: oh molly.
Molly783: i farted it up a minute ago
whozurdaddy2214: yes!
Molly783: and then it like sat around me
whozurdaddy2214: party on for flatulence
whozurdaddy2214: oh god i hate that
Molly783: and i was just like....oh gross you asshole (talking to myself)
Molly783: we need to start being funnier together
Molly783: and to each other
Molly783: lets keep it goin for makin people laugh
Molly783: come back to me soon darling
whozurdaddy2214: otay buckwheat.
Molly783: haha
whozurdaddy2214: ps...
whozurdaddy2214: i study in the nude
Molly783: YESSSSS
Molly783: hahahahahahah
the conversation listed above may not seem funny to you. however, when it is about 2 am (3 eastern) and you are hyped up on coffee and have about 5 more hours of homework to do, it actually is quite humorous. that was molly modo tho.
which brings me to my next point:
I'd like to thank my parents for moving to Woodward between Robie and Florence. I'd also like to thank all of the other families for getting it on and having tons and tons of babies. Then i'd like to send a shout-out to mr. bill gates or whoev it was that created AIM as well as mark zuckerneingberg....for if it werent for them, i could not instantaneously relive my childhood.......its a thing of beauty and a joy forever.
i miss nardin. junior year. i miss my friends. i cant find any ones quite like yall.
and i'm not coming home for spring break. like jennifer said, the confederates are holding me captive. anyway. u northerners...if u have no plans, COME VISIT ME! my break is march 28th-april 3rd..........so il lbe in bham or maybe th ebeach, but come when urs is. okay? OOOKAY.
practice team practice started today. it was a good one. our team is really small. but man oh man. when those 16 freshmen come in...itll be crazy insane.
i'll be back later. but now my cousin is forcing me to check my email.