Nov 09, 2007 18:38
I still catch up on livejournal, but I hardly ever update because I am SOOO freaking busy! I was ON CRACK the day I decided to be an English teacher. I have a little more than 100 freshmen (and 23 sophomores) and I had the gall to assign an essay. Dear jesus, that took forever. However, they were very much improved from their first essays. I wanted to gouge my eyes out with a spoon on the last ones.
Things are going well, though. I told my freshmen to bring an editorial to class today so we could write a counterargument, etc. I have about 70 freshmen today (a B day)and they ALL brought one! I couldn't believe it. I've had trouble getting some of them to do their work, read the novel, etc. I asked in my 7th period why everyone brought theirs and someone said, "Because you said not to come to class without it." I couldn't believe it. I think I scared them. I kicked five of them out of the class last week because they had not read the assigned chapters.
We start A Tale of Two Cities next six weeks. They are going to be hating life.
So am I.
I hated that novel.