For my own reference

Sep 20, 2011 11:05

My app for Sorting Elite:

Subject: The Horcrux of the Question
01. Name: Emily
02. How did you find out about Hogwarts Elite? I've heard about it through a lot of sources over the past few years, but most recently, in a discussion of Potter fandom and sorting on
03. What do you wish to accomplish in life?
Big picture, I would like to make a positive difference to the world in some way or another, or at least my little part of it. Small picture, I hope to raise my kids to happy healthy adults and to enjoy my life at every stage. On the most base, practical level, I want to keep myself from getting bored, which typically means trying to find as many interesting diversions as possible. To the extent that those diversions dovetail with the larger scale "good or at least neutral for humanity" level goals, so much the better, but sometimes the hike is just the hike.
04. Describe exactly what you would see in the Mirror of Erised. (This is not the same question as #03.)
Wow, yeah, definitely not the same question, since with Erised, I don't feel compelled to be remotely realistic. I would see myself, with some indicator of fame and respect as a vocalist and/or actress, while still maintaining my family life and doing so on my own terms. In terms of how that would show up, I suppose maybe me with my husband and kids, my guitar and an Oscar. In essence, I dream of fame and love performing, but I also recognize that it is not something that is going to happen at this point in my life. But I do dream.
05. What makes a person deserving of your respect?
I tend to have the most respect for people who live their lives according to their own internal values, regardless of what those values are. I believe our differences are part of what make us interesting and all people don't have to agree - which, paradoxically, works best if we all agree on that baseline that we don't have to agree to get along. I have a lot of strong opinions myself (as the folks I know here can attest), but I really really respect people who can support their opinions cogently and respectfully, even if I don't necessarily agree.
06. What is your biggest pet peeve?
Intellectual laziness. No one has the time to learn about everything that ever was or ever will be, but in a Google enabled world, it's not that hard to figure a few things out for ourselves. This is not to say I don't ever rely on the Lazywebs, but people who come into a conversation saying essentially "Hey, educate me!" or "I don't know anything about this, but here's my 2 cents anyway"? Not my favorite people in the world. Even when they occasionally are my favorite people in the world.
07. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I think the right answer here is to be less judgmental and more even-tempered, which is probably what I should stick with, much as I'm tempted to go with something like "I'd want perfect eyesight" or wings or something like that. I can be right vicious when I'm in the wrong mood, toward myself, my loved ones, and complete strangers. I'm working on it, but if I had a magic spell that would tell me that my compass is swinging too far into meanness, that would be a really nice upgrade.
08. If you could do any one thing and suffer no consequences, what would it be?
Quit my job and write a novel/start a band/follow my art/blog my heart out/try to make that Erised dream a reality. Alas, the mortgage, health insurance, student loans, car payments, "Real Life" TM all get in the way, or at least, I've allowed them to get in the way. I suppose a better way to put this might be to let go of all (or at least most) of my adult responsibilities.
09. What do you think are your top five positive characteristics?
01. I can be very funny in a dry, sarcastic sort of way. Often, people seem most amused by me when I’m just expressing my perception of the world and not necessarily trying to be overtly funny. Evidently I inherited this from my grandmother who had the best dry wit ever and would never have described herself as funny. I also realize that sarcastic humor may be a negative for some people, but it's something I value and thankfully, is something that my friends and family seem to appreciate.
02. I'm smart and I'm not afraid to show it. Understanding comes very easily to me and I am able to see multiple facets of most situations, even those I may vehemently disagree with. Note that this is not necessarily an "I love learning" sort of answer. I love(d) school, but I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say I love learning at this point in my life. Then again, maybe it's because most of book-learning I do at this point is work related, and therefore, not particularly recreational. One thing I do love is learning new things with/for my kids - it is great fun to make new discoveries through the eyes of an 8 year old.
03. I love having new adventures and learning how to do new things. I can get very impatient with the learning about them, though and want to just get out there and figure it out as I go along. Want to go rock climbing or kayaking or explore an old abandoned building - give me a buzz.
04. I am passionate. Whether it's about my family or my political and social beliefs or just a company I love and want to support - if I say something means something to me, it does. Note that this is not necessarily the same as "loyalty" - piss me off and that passion can just as easily swing to the negative.
05. I really do try to keep a positive outlook about things. I know there are people who interpret sarcasm and wryness as inherently negative, but I am a pretty darn happy person all in all. I own my choices and I like where they've led me for the most part. I recognize that I am really lucky to have the life I have and I try to keep that perspective, even when my baser leanings have me seething.

10. What do you think are your top five negative characteristics?
01. I have a wicked temper, as described above. It generally doesn't come out publically in online communications, since it's relatively easy to actually review what I'm saying and realize that it's not that nice. Unfortunately, real-time interaction doesn't come with a delete/edit post function and it can sometimes get the better of me.
02. I have a bad habit of starting personal projects and then not fully following through. When other people are relying on me, I'm pretty good about it, but I have a lot of unfinished manuscripts, theoretically business plans, mentally mapped out blog posts, and the like all bumbling about in my head.
03. I can be kind of an intellectual elitist. It's not something I'm particularly proud of, but neither is it something I necessarily want to change, if that makes any sense. Relying on my sense of other people's intelligence helps me fend off boredom to a large degree. I'm sure it's also kept me from interacting with perfectly lovely people, and I certainly realize that I have to at least feign a certain tolerance in certain adult situations (not those kind of adult situations), but it also helps keep me from screaming.
04. I am so easily bored. I have a very difficult time doing nothing. I always want to be reading or talking or fidgeting or writing or something. In some ways, I am completely made for smartphone culture - because you always can be doing something, which is actually part of why I don't have one, because I would never put that thing down.
05. Deep down (or, really, maybe not so deep down) I am really insecure. I fear rejection, which is probably why I've never tried to join this community before, despite thinking about it several years ago when I first heard about it. I think, a lot, about how I am perceived (or think I am perceived) by others.

11. Who is your favorite character in the Harry Potter series?
In a sea of amazing and beautiful and flawed characters, my favorite, the one I just like the most is Lupin. Although I hated how ready he was to give up on his relationship with Tonks in DH, I loved his perseverance and his willingness to really listen to Harry and give him credence as an adult. In PoA, he was a calm and steadying force that Harry needed, while giving him some perspective on his parents and who Harry is and how he fit into the wizarding world. And he really taught the kids, rather than trying to promote his own agenda. It doesn’t hurt that David Thewlis was perfectly cast. I loved the character all the more after the PoA film.
12. Who is your least favorite character in the Harry Potter series?
I suspect I may have to dodge a mob for this, but Hagrid. The Harry Potter series serves up dozens of amazing villains who are so deliciously hateful that it seems almost unfair to dislike them because of it. Of the characters that we’re supposed to like, though, Hagrid was the one I found most annoying and of all the characters, is the one I typically wanted to get off the page as soon as possible - tying into my intellectual elitism, I suppose, I never loved him and I could appreciate how his bumbling though the Norbert fiasco was important to the plot and I found his adoration for the creepy unappreciated creatures of the world endearing (says the woman who’s had lizards, frogs and a tarantula for pets). But foisting Gwap on the unsuspecting Forest and then refusing to listen to any sort of reason - while touching (and again, plot points) - was the end for me. By the time we got to the end of DH, I just wanted his scenes to be over.
13. What was your favorite plot or character revelation in the Harry Potter series?
I loved the nuances of Dumbledore’s character that built throughout the series and overflowed in DH. I really appreciated how JKR developed and admirable, intelligent, yet deeply flawed character to provide the beating heart for the series and Harry’s quests. That he and Grindelwald were friends as young men was a brilliant touch and I liked the acknowledgement that people do change and that the person you think you are at 17 doesn’t control your future. As an adult reading the books, I appreciated that sense of life as a long journey with a lot of possible stops along the way.
14. Describe the canon qualities for each house that accurately reflect you.
. Gryffindor: I'm adventurous and not afraid to take some risks to get what I want. I also really enjoy learning by doing, as opposed to just reading about things in books, a la the Gryffindor-spearheaded DA and the many times that Harry and Ron, especially, discover they can in fact do something when under tremendous pressure. I can relate to the “let’s just do it and see what happens without much of a plan” spirit that pervades much of the adventures. I seek greatness in a way that I think is probably more Gryffindor than Slytherin, so I’ll note that here as well, although in filling this out, I see a lot of similarities.
. Slytherin: As noted above, I can be an elitist and quick to judge and in a lot of ways, I do think I’m better than a lot of people. I don’t think I’m above the law in a Lucius Malfoy sense, but I actually see a lot of myself in Slughorn in terms of self preservation and a desire to find and attract glory, even if it is reflected from others (I’ll note that I really liked him as a character). Despite my sense of self-preservation, I am also willing to risk myself for what I believe in - like seeking greatness, this could be both Gryffindor or Slytherin, but I think maybe, I lean a little more on the self-preservation side - I need to see a reward for the risk. On a lighter note, I love snakes and would love to be able to speak parseltongue.
. Ravenclaw: I'm intelligent and quirky and not afraid to show it. I also really love the fact that Ravenclaws are not “just” smart bookish nerdy types (although I can sign on for that too), but also interesting, creative thinkers. I constantly seek out riddles and puzzles and mind games and I would love the challenge of having to puzzle out a riddle in order to enter the common room. I used to do the logical reasoning games on the LSAT for fun. So, there you go.
. Hufflepuff: Fairness and justice are vitally important to me. I may play life tough and I may play for keeps and I may use every single resource at my disposal, but I don’t cheat and I don’t try to sabotage others. It is not worth it to me to get ahead if it means that there’s a trail of people littered behind me.

15. Describe the canon qualities for each house that do not accurately reflect you.
. Gryffindor: I’m not sure I’d consider myself brave, per se. I have a very strong sense of self preservation and I’m not keen on rule breaking (pushing, maybe), but if I were a Gryffindor, I suspect I would be in Neville’s “I can’t let you do this” sort of spot quite a bit - although hopefully with a defensive spell against petrificus totalus.
. Slytherin: I’m not sure I would have the absolute conviction of rightness/righteousness that a lot of the Slytherins show in the Series. While many Slytherins are shown as being absolutely devoted to Voldemort, that same passion could easily be transferred to other, less disturbing, individuals or belief systems, and I just don’t have that level of faith in anything or that ability to put aside my own needs in service to a higher power. Snape’s ongoing devotion to Lily is another good example of this. There’s an underlying loyalty there that just doesn’t resonate with me.
. Ravenclaw: I’m smart, but that can also make me pretty lazy and impulsive, when it all comes down to it. Rather than sorting out all the options methodically in my head, I have a tendency to get about half way through, get bored and just make a decision I think I can live with, as opposed to the best possible option according to the majority of the logical arguments.
. Hufflepuff: I’m not sure I consider myself particularly loyal, to be honest. I tend to base my opinions on a lot of sources and the fact that I’ve supported something before, doesn’t necessarily affect whether I continue my support. I can be pretty self serving and mercurial in that respect and I have no problem asserting my own needs over the demands of others a lot of the time.

16. Age: 37
17. Optional: Link us to where you have promoted this community in your personal journal to earn your future house five points.
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