Argghhh spent ages editing this engry and net turned off :/ Anyhoo just thought I'd start listing :). We need deffo answers by Jan at the very latest but really asap coz need to book tickets for chicago, traveling tickets, hotel rooms etc. We can get ideas now and then vote as a group whats best for everyone :)
Who (atm)
If everything goes to plan and people know they'll have the money and can deffo go will be:
* Me
* Bex
* Kat
* Jo
* Roz
* Sarah (hopefully)
we mostly need to arrange it around these times so whatevers best for everyone please reply :)
CHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonFRI11/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonSAT12/07/200815:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonSAT12/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonMON14/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonTUE15/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonWED16/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonTHU17/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonFRI18/07/200816:30
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonFRI18/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonSAT19/07/200815:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonSAT19/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonMON21/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonTUE22/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonWED23/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonTHU24/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonFRI25/07/200816:30
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonFRI25/07/200820:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonSAT26/07/200815:00
orderCHICAGOCambridge Theatre, Earlham StreetLondonSAT26/07/200820:00
order Seating
TypeFace ValueWith Booking FeeTransaction Fee
per order STALLS - Box Office Collection£52.50£54.50£0.00
find seatsDRESS CIRCLE - Box Office Collection£52.50£54.50£0.00
find seatsSTALLS - Box Office Collection£47.00£49.00£0.00
find seatsUPPER CIRCLE - Box Office Collection£42.50£44.50£0.00
find seatsUPPER CIRCLE - Box Office Collection£32.50£33.50£0.00
find seatsUPPER CIRCLE - Box Office Collection£30.00£31.00£0.00
find seatsUPPER CIRCLE-SLIGHTLY RESTRICTED - Box Office Collection£25.00£26.00£0.00
find seatsUPPER CIRCLE - Box Office Collection£20.00£21.00£0.00
find seats HERES A DIAGRAM OF THE SEATING PLAN ::::::: Hotel rooms
Some people have been before and might know some good deals?
* £78.50 incl show ticket and breakfast - ticket will either be in centre or dress stage (back or middle) but think you get what your given|showday=18|showmonth=04|showyear=2008|initialrequestperformed=true|sorttype=price&company=RH145 * £53.50 for the oter hotel inc ticket but no breakfast but means the £25 we would save we could use to get the best seats in chicago? Where people want to go
Will probs need to add to this list so just comment if theres anywhere else ya wanna go?
So far:
Seeing Chicago (obv)
London eye
Shopping (alternative shops inc)
Jungle cafe
COACH £1 to london, £1 back. Takes 7 hours
TRAIN: £36.40 for a return ticket london - bout 3 hours
PLANE: £17.99 one way so bout £40
So yeah please reply saying which you would prefer to do for each section ^.^
Also save this page on ya faves or whatever coz I'll probs just update about it on here :)