a list:
1) i am going home tomorrow, w00t!
2) i am making horrible progress on this paper. i've added part of a paragraph today. i need to go to bed 12-1ish, too, cause i have a final at 9 am tomorrow. AND i still need to take a shower. maybe i'll go do that; it'll help me concentrate.
3) the ending to casper is THE BEST MOVIE ENDING EVER.
4) i don't care how old i am, i will always have a crush on devon sawa. especially when he's whispering, "can i keep you?"
5) christina ricci is teh hottttt, and she replaces the victoria's secret model in my
top ten.
6) if i were pansy parkinson's player on any rpg, i would use christina ricci as the model for my icons.
7) that said, expect a bunch of christina ricci icons soon, since i'll have nothing to do for several weeks starting tomorrow, since, like, none of my friends will be home yet.
8) a vampire in brooklyn is on tv, on scifi, and i'm pretty sure eddie murphy is playing the title vampire.
9) a guy just died, and they didn't show the good part. boo. he did, however, just spit out something gruesome. possibly a heart.
10) my philosophy final went far better than expected. i still hate women's studies for this essay i should be writing. mythology should be interesting. my study method will be prayer.
guess that's it. oh, no, i forgot!
petulantgod is offically my intranets daddy! cause i fit so nicely in his lap, and he promised me a pony. and
inell was already my older sister (cause she has, like, a million and three!), and i decided that
kaalee will be my surrogate mommy. and i'm so HAPPY, cause i love them alllllll!
...yeah, okay. seacrest out.