So yesterday I spent nearly 5 hours attached to my phone becasue of a problem with unemployment. It's all settled but I lost time that I needed to get stuff done. (and I'm lazy too)
amazonx is coming over on Friday night after work and we're going to the NY Renn Faire on Saturday, and hopefully meet up with
inthesestones and Kris.
Things to be done today.
1. Buy new phone
2. Buy new skirt
3. Buy new pouch
4. Buy food
5. Laundry
6. Get hair done
7. Get nails done
8 Vaccuum
9. Clean bathroom
10. Clean bedroom
Yeah I don't expect to get all that done today but it's what has to be done before Linda arrives.
So onto the whole LJ crosspost thingie. Please don't. My FB page is almost all family and I don't need my 90 year old aunt readin my stuff. I finally got the hang of LJ I don't want to have to move over to Dreamwith. I've got an account there, it's emyrldlady, you can add me. But I really just want LJ to stop screwing around with shit.
And also, what's up with yahoo groups changing their look to mirror FB?