who am i? acording to xyte's profile guy...

Apr 06, 2006 12:14

Perform Profile
These people tend to be the "salt of the earth" and are not pretentious. They love nature, animals, and the environment. They appreciate current life experiences for what they are at the moment because they do not worry about the future or other possibilities. They tend to be reserved, shy, quietly friendly, sensitive, and modest about their abilities, which equates to underestimating themselves. They shun disagreements and will not force their opinions or values on others. They enjoy being by themselves more than in large groups. They readily enjoy small groups of friends and appreciate doing things with them. Spontaneous social events or gatherings are preferred over planning events for the near future. They are quite content and non-critical about life and take people as they are. Written communication is preferable to telephone conversations. They are not natural leaders, but are able and loyal followers. They grasp the needs of the moment, reacting quickly and pragmatically to them.

Organizing and planning for the future are not natural to them but can be a learned behavior. This profile works very well at jobs that require complete devotion but may be relaxed about completing assignments and meeting deadlines. They enjoy present experiences and do not wish to disturb the moment by haste or over-exertion. Change is difficult for them to accept. They would rather maintain the status quo without any change to their basic structure of life. This relaxed point of view serves them well. They believe that others tend to make things too complicated.

They enjoy working with their hands by playing music and doing hobbies and crafts. In their early years, sports and full body exercise are easy to master. Modern dancing is very natural and easy for them as they can control their body's movements easily. They are extremely hard working and enjoy physically accomplishing things.

They eagerly learn by experiencing and being physically involved. The feelings they experience during and after the situation will be retained in their memory to evaluate future situations. Three-dimensional models and hands-on training with experimentation works best. They need the experience of doing something at least once, to make it comfortable for them. They are non-visual and do not absorb verbal descriptions or lecturing unless accompanied by actual examples. Decision-making can be difficult, as they need to have had a previous similar experience or have to rely on opinions of others.

Technical subjects and abstract ideas are not easy for them to absorb. Drawing conclusions from technical data is also difficult. They shy away from making immediate decisions. They rely on concrete facts and their instinct and natural wisdom to get through life. They enjoy reminiscing about past experiences or activities.

This profile makes very good parents as they love children and the family structure. They are quiet and do not have harsh words for others. They enjoy helping other people. They can be found helping others move or changing a tire. They are usually under-appreciated and need to be careful that others do not take advantage of their good nature. The simple things in life are what matters most.

DISCLAIMER: Xyte does not warrant or represent that the accompanying materials are correct or reliable. Any information provided by Xyte is based on the participant's voluntary answers and is only as reliable as the answers provided. There may be individual behaviors that do not fit the participant exactly. This may be a result of individual environmental factors or circumstances. The purpose of this instrument is to help the participant learn more about his or her individual behavior and to assist in business and interpersonal communications.
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