re-post sort of

Jul 29, 2004 15:26

I'm am so sorry to anyone who continues to read my journal or anyone who calls me because I am possibley one of the busiest people right now. I can't believe I even had a moment to type this. So I'll be short and sweet..maybe..

Basically it's been filming madness. Daniel can't do a bloody scene without laughing. I love getting a good joke, but we do have a schedule..I know I'm being pissed here. I am sorry for anything I say that sounds SO dramatic and all that. It's just that anytime that a scene takes TOO long we get pushed back on time. Dan will be standing there staring out into space and then when we go to do the scene he nothing. Seriously, no one flubs a line or anything. he just laughs..A bit strange that one.

I also meant to tell you all that I finally had a date with Tom. It was like a week ago, which shows how bad I am at updating. It was sweet, it really was. We got all dressed up and went to a fancy restaurant. We were both sort of nervous, but the ice broke when a little girl came over for a picture with Tom. *laughs* It was so cute to see her face light up though. Always a good feeling.

I haven't had much time though to get to talk to Tom since we've been filming on different schedules. Plus at lunch he's usually encircled by all the girl extras. *laughs*

Oh my gosh I have to go..anyways I'll try and keep my phone on, but sorry if it isn't. Everyone call me..*smiles*
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