Mar 17, 2005 21:43
*Happy St. Patrick's Day!!* =)
First off, I hope everyone had a Happy St. Patrick's Day, and didn't get too drunk off of green beer! LoL
There isn't too much that went on today... went to school and then came home ate dinner and just did whatever... yeah not exciting..... but, tomorrow starts off the weekend and let me tell you.. I am ready to have some fun!! I have a feeling it's gonna be a good weekend and I'll have some exciting stuff to put in here =)
Tomorrow is Friday and I'm so excited cause I get to miss school allllll day!! =P Yeah be jealous...... The Prom Fashion Show is tomorrow during 5th & 6th hr....... I't's about time I finally get to show off my "modeling skills"...... LMAO riiiight...... watch me fall on my face in front of everyone... that won't be so hot.
But, this is about all I have to say for today...... so leave a comment or something =D