From Twitter 04-23-2011

Apr 24, 2011 03:00

  • 01:49:53: Been pondering a couple ideas for a political blog, but (politics not being a major personal interest) naturally far better already exists.
  • 01:50:52: "Why are all these Middle East countries just now protesting decades-old problems?" Easy enough to find on Wikipedia.
  • 02:14:50: "How big are proposed spending cuts compared to total income/spending?" Again, Wikipedia has some graphs...
  • 02:14:50: ...but more to the point, has a bunch of interactive forms to play with.
  • 02:14:50: Albeit some forms suffer from typically incomplete analysis, e.g. "replace light rail w/free cars" ignores increased traffic jams
  • 02:14:51: More political rambling: "yay #hcr helped my buddy", while commendable, is grossly incomplete.
  • 02:14:52: Proper defense of #hcr = how much does it cost (with statistics properly interpreted) and is that cost reasonable for the gain.
  • 11:16:42: Locked down @ WyrdCon registration. Couple events were already full but there were decent alternatives.
  • 13:08:25: via @TheDrabblecast: Children's drawings painted realistically. | Holy Zombie Jesus!
  • 17:35:57: RT @BryanFuller: For all those inquiring about the PUSHING DAISIES comic book, here is a peek at PAGE ONE UNCOLORED!

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