Jan 25, 2011 11:49
My life at the moment, in bullet-point form.
- Class schedule: MF - No class. T/Th - Japan in International Relations 9:30-11, Environmental Earth Science 11-12:30, The Literature of Natsume Soseki 2-3:30. W - Earth Science Lab 9-11.
- My IR class has bull shit forever amount of reading, but somehow, I'm actually keeping up. That aside, it's amazing to approach my field from such a different angle. I'm learning a lot, and it's really helping me to make some good connections about Japan. I'm very happy to be taking this.
- At the same time, that's kind of making me feel shitty about going to law school. Watch me go into international law just to take Japan classes. ><
- I'm still waiting for the verdict on BU Law and on my Japan program for this summer. This is incredibly frustrating to me, largely because (1) I applied to BU in September. Wtf. Come on. and (2) I need to know before March about the Japan program, or I won't be able to apply for scholarships.
- I sold a whole bunch of my Pokemon (:'(), but it's okay.
- EXCEPT, that it's been snowing forever, and it's been impossible to get to the post office. I'm the worst seller. ._.;
- Aaron's friend from college, Nate, came this weekend! I was dreading it kind of, because I am anti-social like that, but I really enjoyed his stay and we had a lot of fun. Went to the Dropkicks' bar, walked a ton, drank a bunch, played Magic... cool stuff.
- The whole visit is just making me want to move even more than usual. (This is supplemented by my hatred for the snow here.) To NY or CA or Japan, or just not here.
- A couple that Aaron and I are friends with got engaged, and Aaron has been moping about how he wants to get engaged, so that has been BURNING CHEEKS!♥, and now I want to find out how much rings cost. aghghghghhghg?
- My thesis. I have to have 10 pages done by next Thursday. Fortunately, it's actually coming along really well, and I think I can probably pull this off~
- I bought a bunch of Japanese kitkats.
♥ Fun ♥?
EDIT: I've decided that my "wtf friends" tag is now to be thought of not as "wtf, friends >:|" but as "wtf -- f...friends? *t-rex face*"
climate is not my friend,
sometimes i want to punch classes,
the more you know,
ryousai kenbo,
i will punch time in its corporeal form,
i live in boston bitches,
wtf friends,
aaron is impressive,
some emuriis kiss boys,
pokemon eats my lifes,
food is delicious,
fun times at bu,
magic is something i enjoy,
college apps,
but money i love you,
i am a white girl