The Almost-Triumphant, Almost-Return of the scarlette.

Aug 18, 2009 14:22

Opps, did that thing where I fall off the map, again. :/ (3 1/2 months? Really?)

Sorry, ya’ll.

Life’s been it’s usual crazy self.

I’ve been my usual crazy self.

Still no computer.

Phone is broken, but my upgrade is coming up Sept. 12th.

I’ve got a birthday coming up soon, but we’re going to politely ignore it. Well, I am, anyways. No one else seems to have any intention of respecting my wish that the upcoming non-event is not ‘celebrated’. What’s new, there?

I guess one could say I’m struggling a bit in the “Back Home” environment. It’s more accurate to describe it as franticly thrashing & screaming in rapidly setting concrete while being ignored by everyone who can’t see me, only the cement-me that’s looking a bit mis-formed. It’s not anyone’s fault, I guess, I’ve outgrown the mold that I left & now that I attempted to plop myself back into the space I use to occupy, I don’t fit. I am truly thankful that everyone keeps trying, though. I’m not putting in a whole lot of effort myself, and I’m not sure if I should or want to. Ehhhhhhhhh.

In context:
* I got enrolled in Community College. Classes start August 24th(HOLY SHIT THAT’S NEXT MONDAY! PANIC TIME!!!). I’m so not done with everything I need to have done. I still need to get my ID, my Parking Pass, books, find where my classes are, figure out how long it takes to get to them, etc, etc, etc, . . . Maybe if I put all the actual requirements off ‘til the last minute I’ll be able to ignore the whole emotional freak out about being in school/other students/eventually growing up/so on and such.
* Gee (my former roomateandstuffsperson) has visited 3 times since we parted in NC. We talk, A LOT. (For a point of reference, my last phone bill had the equivalent of 3 days worth of minutes in overages. 0.o) I miss Him, to the point where everything else has paled in comparison. If these were days long since passed, I do believe I’d be described as ‘pining’. Coping with the knowledge that, yes, I do have a heart, it does beat, and deep down, I’m “one of those girls”. Eh, so be it, I’ve given up fighting in favor of being happy. And I almost don’t miss it.
Our relationship has changed a lot in the last year and a half. Eventually we’re going to have to sit down, talk about it and figure out what direction we want to go in. Keyword being, “eventually”. Like, after I figure out how to communicate assertively, in a way that gets what I need done, done, with out being all aggressive, GRRR-HOSTILE-TAKEOVER-CORPERATE-CONGLOMORATE-TAKE-NO-PRISONERS-YEEEEEEEEEEEHAW!. So, yeah, eventually. Maybe after I’ve figure out where I want to go. We’ve been working on arrangements for living together, but that’s all a ways off, as I have atleast 6 months left of responsibilities here, and He lacks any definite anything right now. I was suppose to go to Chicago to hang out with Him, His sister & peoples in early September, but then His company fucked Him over (again, as they do every 10 days) and things fell through. Suck. : (.
* My endocrine system has declared guerrilla war on my body, and that’s been a real steamboat stroll through the Everglades. I was pretty sick for a few weeks, and ended up missing a ton of work, but it seems like we’ve got a handle on everything for the moment.
* Work, taking faith in me not calling in sick for the last 2 weeks, has bumped up my hours. Good because I owe my parents a little under $2,000 to pay back all my car repairs and 16 hours a week does not do much to diminish that massive sum. Bad because I start school next week (PANIC!PANIC!!), so they’ll either have to drop my hours down again (I had 28 last week & 33 scheduled for this week) or I’ll need to give up sleep and learn to do homework while driving (or get organized & start managing my time efficiently, but lets be realistic, here!). Neutral because it appears my direct deposit has been messed up & I haven’t gotten paid for the last 2 weeks. So, if I’m not receiving money, I’m not super concerned how many hours I work.

I should be happier, or atleast less pessimistic. Things are going much better than they could, I am doing really well, nothing’s out to make my life a living hell. Hopefully I’m just tired and overtaxed this week and that’s why I lack the properties of a sunbeam.

Optimism Prime, lets go!:
* The weather’s nice. It’s hot and sunny in the morning and then as the afternoon gets underway it rains & cools everything down. I love the weather in Florida in the summer. Yeah, yeah, I’m weird, but it’s pretty and extreme and awesome. Like yesterday, it rained like a friggin’ hailstorm. Our parking lot was flooded in minutes, but the whole time it was bright & sunny.
* Birdyface lost 3 grams, and the dr. says soon she’ll be in the healthy range! Whoot.
* I now know how to get into college, what courses I want/need to take and when to make an appointment with a guidance councilor.
* I have health insurance.
* I have cable TV.
* And occasional internets!
* Soon I’ll have money for a computer.
* New phone! In less than a month!

Things are alright, you know?

How have ya'll been?
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