Aug 01, 2004 12:41
i'm looking in the mirror more
and i'm thinking it's ok
i'm looking in the mirror more
and i'm starting to recognize the face
before everything was a burr
the mirror was dark and cold
peering in the depths of it was a task i couldn't do
the depths of my mirror were long and fickle
with many roads and tricks with tricksters
so, the mirror was my enemy
the mirror hated me
but the mirror only shows reflextions
so what does the say about the face that was me?
i'm looking in the mirror more
but i don't see lines of age
i'm looking in the mirror more
seeing only traces of change
the mirror was a foe of mine
i couldn't look it in the eye
but now it's not so weird
and the face isn't so strange
and i think this means i'm growing
which is odd and new and won't be slowing
but i know the old mirror that i use to used
it was sort of broken and didn't show the truth
the old mirror was a good mirror though
but some times mirrors crack and fade
and the things you see need new light and shape
so the old mirror's out and a new one is in
and this new one isn't anything special
it just shows me what couldn't see
it shows me how the real me should be seen