Dec 30, 2004 02:26
The First Album by Ella Guru is the album of the year. Anyone (and I'm supposing that's everyone. Fools.) who disagrees is obviously just far too jaded to grasp the subtlety of its loveliness. And it's so funny as well! It would be tongue in cheek but that's just a little too harsh a term. I don't think anyone can quite control the implications of their tone of voice as can Mr John Yates. When he sings 'What she said we did.... we did..' the last words just ooze pervy old man sleaze, but jokingly, conversationally. I'm not sure I can quite explain it but anyhoo it's pure genius and you should buy it now. I think it's perhaps the only CD that I've ever felt is actually alive and looking out for me. As if it perhaps *is* my guardian angel. The songs that I thought were boring have magically become my favourites. Whilst I used to think that Kate's voice was sometimes a bit too loud, drowning out poor whispering John, I gradually came to realise that part of the charm of his voice is that you can never really hear it. Then I realised that hers is just as wonderful anyway.
The gig of the year (shock and horror) waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas
Ella Guru and The Magic Numbers at the Water Rats! joint first with about fifty others but they can be overlooked for now :) Perhaps the others weren't actually as good anyway.
Band of the year:
Single line of a song of the year:
'I was all but on tow..' - on a beach - ella guru. the version on the single. that technically was released last year but we'll overlook that. the way his voice breaks a tiny bit on the 'tow'. oohooohoooooooh.
i knew i liked them the moment I bought the On a Beach single and the last line of the little poem on taht little sheet of paper inside it announced that 'this is very pretty. you are very pretty. this. is very pretty.'
flattery will get you *absolutely* everywhere.
thank you :)