Anyways another story rec, one I'm divided on because it hit my all squeekies. =/
Overall My Fair Captain by JL Langley was an amazing story. I like a big dose of story to go with my sex, howEVER had I known what the sex would amount to be I would not have even started the story.
I have a major issue of boy/man stories, I like man on man action and the reference of 'boy' played alot even though the submissive was 19. =/...spanking, which I truly see no pleasure in the act. I've always viewed spanking as a parental form of punishment and would never equate spanking with sex. Sorry, no changing of mind here. Then the final sex scene got even squeeekier....fisting.
If this is for you then the story is good and recommeneded. If its not, well, the story is good just skip over the sex... I just hope the second J.L. Langley story I purchased, Without Reservation, doesn't turn out the same way.