Fic: Day One

Jan 13, 2010 17:29

Title: Day One
Author: emthejedichic 
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts
Rating: G
Pairing: AkuRoku friendship; slash if you're wearing slash goggles
Summary: Roxas’ first trip to the clocktower with Hayner, Pence and Olette. AU
Disclaimer: NOT mine!
A/n: I suppose this counts as AU because of the last scene in Days… and the first one in II, for that matter. I just liked the idea so much I felt like I had to write it- so did my friends, who were with me when the inspiration struck. As a matter of fact, I never would have had the idea without them, so I’m gonna go ahead and dedicate this fic to Rein-kun on and jourdash3
A/n #2: This takes place in the virtual Twilight Town. The whole fic was born from the plot bunny that Axel and Roxas never ran into Hayner, Pence, and Olette on the clocktower, so there’s no confirmation the real ones ever went up there at all…


“I can’t believe it,” Hayner groaned. “Only one week of summer vacation left.”

”I can’t believe we haven’t started our summer assignments!” Olette fretted.

“Relax, we have time,” Hayner waved this off. “There’s a much more pressing issue at hand here!”

“What’s that?” Roxas inquired.

“We haven’t done anything interesting all summer,” Hayner said dramatically.

“We could go to the beach,” Pence suggested.

“With what munny?” scoffed Hayner.

“It won’t take long to earn some,” Olette pointed out.

“It’s too hot,” Hayner ruled.

“Then let’s get ice cream,” Pence suggested.

Olette clapped her hands like a little girl who had just been promised a pony, but Hayner scoffed once again.

“And do what with it?” he demanded. “We’ll just come back here, eat it, and then get bored again.”

Roxas looked around. He liked the Usual Spot well enough, but they’d been coming here for years. It was starting to get a little pedestrian.

“Why don’t we go eat it on top of the clocktower?” he proposed.

His friends blinked at him.

“On top of the clocktower?” Hayner repeated. “Is there even a way up there?”

“Is it safe?” Pence inquired.

“Is it legal?” Olette asked, voice laced with skepticism.

“Yeah, there’s a way,” Roxas assured them. “And it’s perfectly safe. As for being legal, I don’t know for sure, but… we don’t know that it’s not, do we?”

Olette still seemed to have her doubts, but Hayner and Pence were eager to try it. By the time thirty minutes had gone by, the four friends were perched on the edge of the tower, feet swinging in the air and eating sea-salt ice cream.

“This was a great idea, Roxas,” Hayner told him. “How did you ever think of it?”

“Yeah, have you been up here before?” Pence wanted to know.

“I don’t… think so,” Roxas said slowly. “Not that I can remember, but… it feels really familiar, somehow.”

“Maybe you heard about it from someone,” Olette suggested.

“Yeah, maybe,” Roxas said, still unconvinced.

Silence fell for a few moments as they licked and slurped at their ice creams.

“The view is amazing from up here,” Pence remarked.

“Yeah,” Olette agreed. “The sunset is so beautiful.”

“Hey,” Roxas said. “Do you guys know why the sun sets red?”

“No, why?” Pence asked.

Roxas frowned. “I… don’t know. I feel like I should, though- I think someone told me, once.”

“That’s Roxas for you,” Hayner laughed. “In one ear and out the other, am I right?”

“Yeah,” Roxas said. “I guess so.”

But for no reason he could think of, Roxas felt almost sad- as if he’d forgotten something he once held dear. The idea was silly, though- how important could it have been if he’d forgotten it so completely?


The End… please review.

akuroku, fanfiction, kingdom hearts, g

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