Just because it's canon doesn't mean it's true love, people...

Sep 24, 2008 23:02

Something I posted on fanficrants ... here for your viewing pleasure because I have this belief that every post I make should also exist on my personal journal (which'll make life easier for the stalkers I don't have anymore... unless that one twelve year old who was stalking me a couple years ago and is now a freshman at my HS decides to relapse).

So I love Torchwood as much as anybody else. And I mean, the whole canon slash factor is amazing fun (it's slash. And it's canon. And it's slash! And... trust me, I understand the rush), but...

Why does this mean that Jack and Ianto need to be madly in love/get a civil partnership/have m-preg babies???

The sole factor of the slash being canon is NOT enough, people!!! Loads of canonical het pairings end up biting the dust in fandom, why should slash pairings be any different? Also, it's JACK, for god's sake! I find it a little bit of a stretch that Captain Jack I-will-shag-anything-that-moves-and-is-willing Harkness is going to fall madly in love with Ianto just because he's sleeping with him. And yeah, yeah, yeah, there's the whole, "I came back for you," thing, but he said that to Gwen too (who, for the record, I absolutely DESPISE him with)! A lot of Janto shippers conveniently forget about that part. Well guys, YOU CAN'T JUST PICK AND CHOOSE CANON BASED ON WHAT'S CONVENIENT TO YOUR SHIP!

Here's my theory. Jack is in love with the Doctor (which is about one centimeter short of being canon anyway), who he's trying to get over, because he's sure it's never going to happen. And I'm not going to deny that he's had romantic feelings for other people since meeting the Doctor (Estelle, real!Jack, and- I shudder to admit it- maybe even Gwen). I just take exception with the belief that Ianto is one of them. What evidence do we have that it isn't just about the sex they have a real, solid, emotional relationship?

I like Janto just fine, even if the fanfiction does make me gag sometimes. I just don't BELIEVE in the paring. Y'know?

ETA: K, so I'm pretty sure this post makes me look like a moron (or, perhaps more seriously, like the kind of fangirl I detest). Um... it's just that I hate it when I see fanfics where Jack and Ianto are acting like mushy lovesick idiots. It's horribly OOC, which is plenty of reason enough for my hate.

Next time I'll think twice before going off on a tangent re: my personal canon. *is terribly embarrassed now*

janto, rants, fandom, torchwood

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