Aug 07, 2004 18:25
just to let everyone know that may have been wondering where i was for the past almost week and a half or so, 2 weeks if yuou stretch it out, i have been at my fire house, the hospital, a church, funeral home, or graveyard. or going broke buying shit at home depot. one of hte greatest men i know died the other week, and we layed him to rest. this has been the hardest thing to do in my life, even though i have only known him for a short time, it was incredibly hard, short time being about a year and a half 2 years, but still this is hte most incredible man in the world. i dont know if its hit me yet, i am still waiting to really realize what happened, im not sure if it ever will to tell you the truth. i just dont know. so if you wondered, if you cared, cuz i dont htink many did, thats where i have been, im fine to some degree, im alive, in debt, but ill survive