Jan 04, 2007 16:01
wearing: black / gold striped oversized sweater worn as a dress over little black shorts, thick black tights, black woolly knee socks & motorcycle boots. also wearing gold mudflap girl pendant on gold chain
hair: tousled & slightly wavy, worn in a half-up bridgette bardot incarnation
thing last said: "thanks, good night"
last website visited: my space - jon convinced me to create a page last week and am now sort of addicted
what i should be doing: trying on outfit combinations for the wedding but the lighting in my room is not good enough
did today: just got back from dinner & shopping with my mom
ate / drank today: red berries special k, an apple, two cups of coffee, a luau salad & glass of riesling & split a slice of white chocolate caramel latte cheesecake with mom at the cheesecake factory
listening to: silencio
last showered: this afternoon
went to bed/woke up: 11:00 / 9:00
last tv watched: martha stewart this morning
last movie seen: the holiday - wasn't expecting much but i actually really liked it!
currently reading: re-reading the great gatsby for the millionth time
thinking about: i've officially been given money to pay for school! am getting quite excited about it now, but have been thinking a lot about the practicalities of what i'll do afterwards (move in with dad in LA & intern? try to stay in london & intern? move back in with my mom in upstate NY & pay off off all my debts before even THINKING about interning?)
looking forward to: one of my friends from high school is getting married two weekends from now, so am SUPER excited about that - i haven't seen my HS friends in over two years! starting my course, going travelling this summer & possibly going to a few music festivals in the UK, moving back to NY & getting my own place (read: no roommates), not working in PR anymore!