So close it can hear you when you don't say anything audible at all..

Jun 11, 2011 23:55

Do you know how close God is to you? As close as your next breath or next heartbeat.. yeah that sounds horribly cliche, but its absolutely true. I've been in this funk for a few weeks now.. where I need a change of some sort, a change of I don't really know what, but I have felt the need for it like a weight.. for some time. Until a friend shared some extremely exciting news w/ me today.. it shook me out of my fog & instantly I was reminded that God is very active & I hadn't been seeking Him to clear the fog & honestly the news yanked my eyes off of myself & back onto others. DUH! OTHERS! I've missed being w/, praying for, encouraging others! But ANYWAYS, random tangent that was.. but God is close. I know that, I've known that for a long time. I was just having a great chat w/ my mom about a bible study shes doing & we began discussing the ever familiar topic of why some christians don't seem to be alive or aren't living an alive life.. in Christ I mean. And it was like the minute I began saying what I know the word says about being alive & being victorious & that many christians need to be constantly reminded, me too.. hence the funky fog, of these facts.. it was like the Holy Spirit (sorry non-christian friends.. I just dropped the H.S. bomb.. haha) was like "YES! Absolutely! What she says!" And instantly the presence of God was sitting in our kitchen. I mean, He dwells here, but isn't always experienced. I could literally or not so literally hear Him saying how we need to talk more like this- to get excited like this.. stir ourselves up more like this. Again, when you read about the Apostles/Disciples in the New Testament or Paul.. or any man/woman of the New Testament.. their lives were alive! They were radical! They walked w/ God daily & it showed in their lives. Jesus & His followers couldn't go anywhere w/o radical things happening. The world is at a place where its so desperate for that. It isn't even aware how parched it is b/c of its lack of Living Water. Anyways.. He's close.. He loves you & like me He wants to remove us from our fog, our pit, our bondage.. from ourselves.

Love you guys..
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