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Mar 04, 2005 14:45

sooo today has been by far the BEST day ever! i woke up this morning at like 6 to say goodbye to my mom....basically i stayed in bed and mumbled a bit. then i went back to sleep a lil but woke up just before my alarm at 7:30. i got up and took my time getting up and working on my Latin note card. i had a guidance appointment at 8:30 but i got there like 15 minutes late and they didn’t care and i wasn’t even worried about it cuz they're always late anyways. so i talked a bit about scholarship stuff then went to Latin. the test was just horrible, i most definitely failed! but then...i stopped in ms rollersons room to say hi and get a pass cuz i was going to be late to government because i wanted to stop at the vending machine and get a snack. so i got a pass and my snack and when i walked in, i saw a table of food and remembered we were having a bday party for Laura M. and so we got to eat good brownies and cookies and munchies while we just listened to presentations. its such a great relaxed class!

So then at lunch i go to find Victoria to get help with math so i don’t fail the next test...THIS IS WHEN IT REALLY PICKS UP she and Elise are in there and tell me he canceled the test!!! that’s PERFECT i didn’t understand like any of it. so that’s great, cuz now i can go back to lunch where i talk to ms rollerson some more about graduation stuff and mr KHS and basically get more excited to do all this senior stuff. In math class we just worked on the pretest but when the juniors left we realized there were four senior girls in a corner, then 7 sophomore boys in the opposite corner! sooo we talk about how weird that was. once we finished going over the pretest we told stories and jokes. i was just so much fun! thennnn i go to advisory and go home, but i stopped at the bank and saw matt where i asked him to help with my break light which has been out since October. its totally my fault i just keep forgetting about it and calling him. ive had the light we just gotta meet sometime to get it fixed. I've only been pulled over for it once, and that was already like 2 months ago so im not too concerned. so then i see Justin parent in the bank too. it makes me so happy when you see people form school who you know, you’ve talked to before in a class or something but then they say hi outside of school too. that was just nice.

THEN i check my voice messages and realize there’s two but i don’t remember missed calls. of course the first is my mom, but then! its this guy David from NYC who did that exchange thing and then came up with a few others in the summer and stayed with Tina....we've been emailing and talking on im and stuff because he is in the Navy now and is away a lot. SO he now has a phone and i had given him my cell in an email and he called and just left one of those, just saying hi messages. it was so great. that was just the cherry topping :)

that was so great! im off to watch the notebook, its been almost a whole week!!! then shower, pack and go to this retreat thing. hopefully its great...o and i know today’s only going to be better because im going to get to see someone amazing there too!!! ok i must be off....this was long so now my fingers hurt! haha have a great weekend everyone!
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