
May 28, 2008 22:46

Never has the dog been so well walked, my room so clean, or my pile of "DVDs and books to watch/read" been so high as when I've either got exams or assignments due. *sigh*. Yeah, my exams are coming up, and the one thing about going back to classes and education that I haven't enjoyed is looming *sigh*. I suppose it could be worse...

In other news two of my friends have had birthdays this week (yay!) which has been a welcome distraction (Happy Birthday guys!), although I'm still a little stumped about what to wear to the 'P' Party... hmmm... I shall have to ponder that a little further...

Anyway this was just another stop for me on the procrastination train (the last one actually :/ ) and I must get back to work... oh, and I've uploaded a few pics to my gallery from when I went away a while back... damn I wish I was out of the country again :P that was fun :)

Quote of the moment: Alice - 'It's been almost a century that Edward's been alone. Now he's found you. You can't see the changes that we see, we who have been with him for so long. Do you think any of us want to look into his eyes for the next hundred years if he loses you?' - so much Twilight love right now! :D Alice rocks ;)

OK... study... 1st stop... Plutarch's Life of Sulla... *groan*

procrastination, quotes, random

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