Birthdays, Birthdays and... Yellowcard/Snow Patrol :)

Sep 07, 2007 01:33

Evening all :)
sorry its been a while since i last updated (June?! SERIOUSLY?!), i honestly had no clue. Things have been pretty crazy (what with all this APEC nonsense) lately and i've had a ton of personal issues to deal with but, thankfully, that's all pretty sorted and my schedule should soon be returning to normal :)

Tomorrow night i get to go see Snow Patrol with two very good friends of mine (you know who you are!) which should be awesome! we have to trek out to Homebush to see it, but it should be worth it... i'll keep you posted :) Yellowcard a few weeks ago was incredible, even though i was too sick to stay for all of it (it was a bit of a double act with Sum 41) but i managed to see all of Yellowcard and most of Sum 41 so thats mission accomplished :) (don't even ask me about how i felt the next morning :s). Their new album (Paper Walls) is awesome by the way... buy it!!! buy it now!!! ;)

I recently got my camera back (i know i posted about a new one a few posts back, but that one got stolen when my dad borrowed it... so technically it was about 15 minutes old... but oh well travel insurance covered it... :/ ) so that's definately coming with me tomorrow night :) the battery has been on the charger for a day, with a spare just in case (yes, i am paranoid!) So maybe i'll start updating my gallery with a few random pics... hey, you never know :P

Anyway that's all for now, thats pretty much everything thats happened... (apart from a million birthdays, including mine! YAY!) So apart from the usual (parties, work and... :/ )... which is surprisingly little, but then again, what else do we do in life? ... don't answer that, i'm trying to delude myself :)

Movies seen since last time (well, the ones worth mentioning at least) : Darwin Awards, Shooter, Disturbia, Weeds (TV), Sunshine, The Death and Life of Bobby Z and TMNT which was fun :) juvenile, but fun in its awesome TMNT-ness!

snowpatrol, random, yellowcard

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