Sep 17, 2004 15:35
omg britt,kell,cierra,andii, and cait Britni's party last night was so much fun hah member when andii was like guys i'm going to the bathroom and Kells like Get me one lmao that was hilarious and then we jumped in the pool with are clothes on hah then we took are pants of outside and covered areselves with towels lol and were like lets strip for carl!!!!! hah so much fun then we watch the texas chainsaw masecure hah well i barely did cus i was so scared lol that was so fricken scary when britnis mom told Britt that duece was outside scratching the door so she went to open it and Britnis dad was outside with this mask and his hunting clothes on and he scared us all so much lol it was so funny i was like guys i didn't get the full effect of the movie b.c all i saw was "leather face" on one side and andiis new york yankees pants on the other side lol then when the movie was over we were video taping us with the jamacian (sp) hats lol actually they were placemats but w.e and the high guy with the mask aka brit or cait lol then we played that gross eating game ew some of those things we ate were so gross then we finally went up to britnis room and talked for a while i was so tired but in the middle of the night all of us except cierra went down and watch children of the corn but only like ten minutes of it then we went back to bed then in the morning we went swimming in our pajamas hah fun fun then we ate ice cream for breakfast!!!!
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