Recent podcast appearances

Jul 03, 2010 23:17

In the last few weeks, I have made guest appearances on a couple of podcasts. Between the recent conference appearances and these podcasts, I spent May and June talking a lot about what I do ... it felt good to get back to being a Doer and not just a Talker, especially as the microphone end of podcasting is pretty new to me.

The skills for giving a good presentation at a conference and for being a good podcast guest are really different. Presentations are planned, focused on a single topic, can be visual. Podcasts are spontaneous, more like interviews, may cover a variety of topics, are aural, and (more) interactive. I suppose that panels or other conference formats with 'respondent's are somewhere in between.

In either format, I need to be careful to speak less about myself; and to confidently say something once and then to move on. I have a bit of a tendency to explain things three or four ways in the hopes of covering the bases when once is enough.

Without further ado, then, 'my' podcasts:

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