May 23, 2009 02:07
Sooooooo working at a hotel is a simple job, decent pay for a lot of leisure time at work. But I do work hard at it, I do try and provide a good service and show that I can set aside computer games and such to get a job done (for a certain bat, GIT-R-DONE!) and there are some mild benefits. Such as if circumstances arise, I can get a free day at the hotel to sleep between shifts.
Today was such a day. We had a meeting at 2 PM and as going home for a nap, waking up, showering, heading back, doing the meeting, heading home again, sleeping a bit more, waking up, showering and etc, and heading to work would have been a hassel and a waste of gas, the manager let me stay in a room.
Meeting was par for the course. Mostly the usual info on special deals the hotel will be offering in the near future, changes of policy, etc. Only two real notes of interest, honestly. First being... there are some people who take prank calls much too far. Like people who prank call hotels saying "get everyone out of the hotel or I'm going to come in there and kill them." o.o
S.... someone needs a hug.
The other being apparently, as I had helped out so much when we were getting a weekday night auditor, the managers really appreciated my efforts as I was awarded with a plaque reading "Care Giver of the Month, April 2009" with my name on it. First time I've ever been awarded for my efforts outside of one or two lil "whoop-de-doo" things in my senior year of high school. And the first time I've ever gotten a tangible symbol for my success more durable than paper. It's... a nice feeling.
Aside from that, there's not much to say about today... my sleep was interrupted by people who wanted to know who to blame for things but what can one do eh? Just hope that all is resolved now. Only other neat ideas I've had are a few thoughts on my current favorite handguns (common train of thought for me) and possibly a short story involving someone using them. Yaaaawn