(no subject)

Apr 23, 2005 21:04

I'm going to talk about my day.

I had the most fantastic night of sleep ever last night.  It was just so refreshing, and my dreams, they were amazing.  I think it felt so good because each week night I get about 6 and a half hours of sleep.   Yes, it was very very nice.

Then I sat in bed reading Brave New World.  I just love that book.  And it was written so long ago, but it seems like it's written by a modern author.   I find that amazing.

After that I got up and took a shower, a bit after I was done, Bea called to make plans.   We decided to get a ride to the dollar store, then walk over to DQ.

Soo..the dollar store was pretty creepy.  I bought a pen that looks like a shot, and water balloon yo-yo's.  Then I stopped at Coburns, and got some sprinkles, and marshmellows, and wax bottles.  Then Bea and I started walking to DQ.  It was funny.  We were chewing on wax bottles, playing with the yo-yo's, and wearing similar looking coats.  We must have been quite the sight.   So, we arrived at DQ, got our food, and decided which seat would be less cold.  We switched places about 3 times.   Then we walked over to McDonalds, and a bus load of kids came.   We thought they were Canadian.   They weren't.

Then I went home, and watched TV, read a bit.  Later I made some mac and cheese for dinner, and spent some more time reading.  Brave New World is so addicting.

I'm getting really obsessed with Baby by Rufus Wainwright.  It's unusually calming, and just very nice.

Tonight is Nip / Tuck night.  Weee.

I feel extremely at ease with the world.  It feels nice.  But somehow I think this nice mood might get shattered when Monday rolls around.  Or this could be the beginning of being back to my normal self.
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