Dec 31, 2015 18:33
You are being forewarned that I write about whatever and whomever I want to write about with no explanations, no apologies. Don't like something you read? Great. Don't read it. I curse. I say things that are completely uncalled for when I'm angry. I'm in a battle between hating religion with every fiber of my being and wanting more than anything to have back that blind faith that I used to possess. I doubt it will ever be resolved. I have a tendency to run my mouth into corners it can't get out of. I've had this journal for a LONG time and I've definitely changed a lot over the years. I've matured. I've become a LOT more cynical. A lot bitchier. But in some ways, a lot better person. You're either going to love me, or hate me. I don't really care either way.