Hey! Okay, so I finally decided at 3am last night what I want to write my paper on. And I decided to be insane and do the research myself. So I'm begging everyone to PLEASE fill this out and PLEASE pass it on. If you do it for me, send it to wiltedlilygirl @ aol.com minus the spaces, of course. Pleeeeeease do this for me, it's hugely important. I need them all in by Dec. 31 so I can write my paper quickly. Thanks!! SO MUCH!
1. Name (optional):
2. Age:
3. Gender: m ___ f ___
4. Religious Affiliation (if any):
5. Position in congregation (if religious):
member ___ pastor/preacher ___ pagan priest(ess)___ other (explain) ___
6. How do you identify your own sexuality?
straight ___ gay ___ bisexual ___ other (explain) ___
7. Would you consider yourself liberal or conservative?
8. What is your opinion on homosexuality?
Pro ___ Against ___ Unsure ___
8b. Why?
9. What is/was your family's opinion on homosexuality?
Pro ___ Against ___ Unsure ___
9b. Why?
10. What are your friends's opinion on homosexuality?
Pro ___ Against ___ Unsure ___
10b. Why?
11. What do you believe is your religion's opinion on homosexuality?
Pro ___ Against ___ Unsure ___
11b. Why?
12. What is your opinion on gay marriage?
Pro ___ Against ___ Unsure ___
12b. Why?
13. What do you think most shaped your opinions on sexuality?
family ___ peers ___ religion ___ own sexuality ___ other (explain) ___