Tumbling down the hill

Apr 19, 2009 22:18

Yay! Finally got my copy of Vassalord volume 1-3. For anyone who don't know, Vassalord is a kind of hybrid resulted from the marriage of Devil May Cry and.....gayness. Seriously, I almost tempted to count how many times the flamboyant (and gay) vampire Rayflo seducing stoic vampire-hunting vampire (yeah) Cherry....ehm, Charlie. It's like the plot allows itself to be filled with teasings and bitings and stuff. So amazing I almost cry.

In another news, kurokuya 's Ma and Pa arrived in Sydney today. Guess what? They brought me five packs of Indomie Mie Keriting and a bag of ginger peanut candy. That's so considerate of them, thinking that technically I'm a stranger and I've NEVER met them face to face back in Malang. My custom can get pretty surreal sometimes.

Speaking of surrealism, here's today's mousou (WARNINGS: Hetalia, OC and not-so-OC):

1.Thanks to these wonderful guys, my head's now filled with HollandxIndonesia. WTF, self? This is like, more than screwing myself. Indonesia does not even have an official design yet, while Holland's face's still engraved with question mark. Selfish nationalism is selfish indeed. Anyway, based on the news I got from ANTARA about the new war ship made by Netherland engineers for Indonesia, I imagine yet another meeting for both of them only. For the first time Holland is concerned about Indonesia's wellbeing, how the beautiful country he once loved selfishly in front of him crumbling slowly. Crumbling and trying in vain to rebuild, even if it means kissing IMF's foot for yet another charge of debt. How Indonesia always, always, try to look his best before another world meeting, always covering the overwhelming scars on his arms under his batik long sleeves shirt. He used to be tough, fierce, always resisting, Holland thought. And independent, even under my kingdom's unforgiving reign. And I was in love with him because of that. And I wonder why the feeling hasn't changed. <===== Okay I'll stop cuz I'm in danger of creating them so sickeningly sweet couple....NOT!!!!!

2. I'm quarter way reading The Year Of Living Dangerously and came across a mention of Jakarta-Peking axis in the 1960's and I thought WHY NOT!? That's like one of the many epic things Bung Karno ever stated, as he's the embodiment of epic himself. Imagining Indonesia's awkwardness when he's introduced to Russia by China makes me giggle in irony. Oh yeah, we were once really closed to the Reds before yet another turbulence sent Indonesia into another paranoia, uhm.

All and all, I need to start this Retarded Hetalia Fanfiction Project soon before it eats my brain and gets away with it.

vassalord, hetalia, life, musings

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