I think our snow removal guys from PennDOT are AMAZING. I live where we got about a foot of snow (there's a chance of another 2 - 4 3 -5 inches overnight)and it just stopped snowing during the early part of the afternoon; we're getting some sleet now which should turn back to snow shortly
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1. Oh shit, it's snowing, I hope it's just here for Christmas.
2. Oh shit, it's still snowing, I hope it's gone by New Year's.
3. Oh shit, I can't see over the mountain the snow plow has made on the sides of the roads.
4. Woohoo! It's raining! Look at that shit melt!
5. Oh shit, grab the skates, it's a rink outside.
6. Oh look, we're getting another 30cm. *laughs*
7. Are you actually snow blowing the LAWN? (my father actually had to do this to get around the house to clear off the back patio to be able to open the back door)
8. Two days later - Oh look, we're getting another 25cm. *curses*
9. Where did the tree in the front lawn go?
10. Wait, are there seagulls hiding in the snow? (again, totally happened)
11. A week later - Oh look, another 30cms. *sobs*
13. OH MY FREAKING GOD! ENOUGH ALREADY! I'M GOING SNOW BLIND! Set migraine to maximum! (Me, today - was sitting in my room in the dark with sunglasses on *joy*)
14. We are never going to see the grass again - this will be me for the next two and half to three months.
And I can imagine Arthur being turned into an extremely crotchety toaster by Merlin.
Was kept up till about 2:30 this morning from the rain storm we had - pelting the windows like hail! But it was so much better than what we were supposed to get (it wasn't supposed to be rain, it was supposed to be snow). So this morning, I CAN SEE GRASS! =P Little patches of it where the snow wasn't as deep, but still! GRASS! Only like another eight to twelve weeks of winter left. *sobs* :P
LOL! Oh yes, I can imagine Merlin being a cranky sick person. *g* Especially with Arthur being so...Arthur-like. ;)
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