Feb 12, 2005 21:34
Stole this from Jess R: the wannabe UEFA player lol
Im so bored
1) Single or taken: Happily Taken
2) Your Age: 17
3) Birthday: Nov. 30, 1987
4) Siblings: Mete, Phil, Adem
5) Hair color: brown
6) Eye color: brown
7) Shoe size: 11.5
Have You Ever
1) Given anyone a bath: no
2) Smoked: no
3) Broken a Bone: no
4) Broken the law: yeah...little stuff
5) Made yourself throw-up: once when i didnt wanna go to school
6) Gone skinny-dipping: no
7) Ever been in love: yes
8) Made yourself cry to get out of trouble: no
1) Who are your best best friends: Greek, T-ravis, Brian P, Dunn, Jaimie, Vicki, Missy, some other ppl, too many to name
2) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend: yes
3) Who did u give your first kiss to: Becca
4) People you most like to annoy?: Jess R, Vicki, The Twins
Extra Stuff
1) Do you do drugs: no
2) What kind of shampoo do you use: whatever mom buys
3) What are you most scared of: Greeks
4) What are you listening to right now: This Is How We Do
5) Where do you want to get married? Turkey...duhhh
6) Who's the hottest guy/girl in movies/tv: dunno
1) Colour: red
2) Food: anything
3) Boy's name/s you like the most: Emre, Tuncay, Nihat, Umit
4) Girl's name/s you like the most: Jessica, Sedef, Seda
5) Subjects in school: history, gym, used to be lunch till it was changed
6) Music: mostly everything, gotta give props to my turkish rap! lol
7) Movie: Saving Private Ryan, Enemy at the Gates,
8) TV Show: Simspons, Made, Whose Line, SportsCenter, any soccer show
Final Questions
1) Pizza or chocolate: chocolate pizza
2) Gold or Silver: dimond
3) What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Shrek 2....yea i havent been to the cinema since before i went to Turkey...damn shame
4) Last time you saw your friends: i saw T-rav today....does that count?