Sep 18, 2004 22:21
angels surprise birthday party=not a surprise..haha..silly father YOUR FIRED!!!...hum..but its was fun..good times..that silly man with thte spiked hair..he just = funny...climing in through the back of trucks and such..he was like..some crazy jumping stalking animal that is just silly..and his hair=sum 41~.em and ashton agree.
a dollop.
ashton is groping me now....."gropified i am" agreed.
i hopeth angel liekd her present..its twas funny, b/c i heard the song i put on her present on the way back home..yar yar. good song..anyways..betsy tried to eat cookie cake off the floor..we got in a tad bit of a fight about it..yeah..i won...THEN ..she smeared the chocolate on my arm.a.nd i = the freakd ouyT! times ilke..a lot..i didnt know what to do?!. arrr..but its ok..betsy is thinking baout going on the roadtrip with us..i think it would be neato.!..because betsy yay. it would be fun to have another person....but stuart needs another guy so he's not all like..hi, im with three girls...agreed..and so when we are talking haha, he can have someone to talk to. b/c im mean. because i am. arrrr. a dollop. a dollop... of daisy. daisy duke. hahahaha...*highly hillbillied accent*
i want to get a mastiff and name it but the
too much.....but i want one
b/c they are big and mean, an
d can run of
f the
that try to kill me in my sleep when i am all by meyself in my barnhouse i WILL have someday..unless i have a cowboy, then i can get a slightly less slobberly large dog..
yeah.....arrrrrrrrr. im not. i am.
its the morning...waiting for angel to get here..i want to take more quizes..but then i will never leave gain..hahhaah.i win. i think i will...