Problems and Pics *EDIT* Pics Fixed

Feb 28, 2004 00:51

So the other day i picked up anothe betta (redfish)and had to go get a light for his tank, and ran into my local Meijer's. Of couurse, i have to look at the fish. There was one poor, sad little betta. He was in a little clear plastic soda cup, in water the color of urine. His fins were rotted almost to stumps. I left, and felt incerdibly guilty, so i turned around and came back. the lady who got him for me changed his water, and i bought him. I then took him to the customer service desk to complain, and the person they called was the same woman who got the fish. she tried to pass off the rot by saying that kids make the fish fight at night. I know it wasnt true because there were no other fish, and the edges were black. And why would they leave them out then? She also said she wondered why i wanted a fish in his condition, to which i replied that he would have died had i not. She said his water would have gotten changed and he would have had his fins grow back. Uh huh. because the chances of a knowledgable person buying him were like .0000001%. and apparently the fins would regrow all on thier own ::sarcastic face::!! anywho, hes in a hospital tank w/ salt and marcacyn. Here's soccorso, my little rescue. the yellow shows where his fins start, but this is after a few days of treatment.

anyone got tips on rehabbing my soccorso?
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