Oct 18, 2004 23:25
Lately, I've been busy with Tennis. I've missed 7th period 3 days in a row. We've been having tourneys like everyday since Thursday. We played against Westlake last week and that wasn't very pretty but I got to help Carson on his Geometry and it made me feel smart. PLUS, I wrote "Austin" on one of the Westlake courts so that was really cool. Today, we played Ander-loser-son (no offense). I won, but my match lasted more than it should have been. But overall, we lost 9-10. James cried, and it made me really sad. We got 3rd place in district.. stinks. Only because of ONE game. Ah!! Those Trojans.. ugh. But I do feel bad because I didn't get to congratulate Anderson Emily afterwards.
Besides Tennis, this week has been pretty good. Thank God I finally made an A on my Chemistry test, and Spanish test. It's about time. I'm not looking forward to Wednesday because peer-editing in English. I hate doing that stuff!!
I can't wait until college!!
P.S. I have nothing to write under "leadership" for that NHS application. Sigh..