I just got through checking out a site that was submitted for E3 link review, that some musicians might want to investigate:
www.sonicbids.com This is a site that allows artists to generate their own accessible EPK’s (Electronic Press Kits) for mass e-mail distribution. Quite a novel concept, and the 5 dollar subscription fee per month is much nicer then the excessive amount of mailing, printing, and manufacturing fee’s you’ll usually drain yourself from in sending out hard copy press kits.
Now if only the bulk of press actually read and investigated all direct musician and publicity inquiries, we’d be laughing. I still suggest that if your trying to solicit press independently, that you send hardcopy press materials and CD’s to your primary contacts if your plugging something other then a gig.
For the sake of curiosity, I’m going to send a client through the sonicbids ringer as a testrun through the free trial this month anyways. I’m sure if your websavvy, you could probably come up with your own EPK that would look better then the one’s generated by the site anyways.