So, this is a strange question, but after
raineishida informed me that she knew of him ("You mean the flamer and his army of demons? He's famous."), I had to ask the rest of you to see if that was just a fluke.
How many of you, flist, have heard of the flamer
Flame Rising on If you don't know who that is, then don't worry about it. XD
Now, I don't know that many of you will have, since most of you are splendiferous writers, but it makes me curious. I only found out around Vday, so.... yeah. Have you heard of him?
In other news, I 'm soooooooooooooooooo behind on my friends list. Oi. On my JackIanto alone I'm a hundred entries behind. If I'm missing anything amazing, lemme know, guys. xoxo