My brain isn't here today. I can't seem to decide if I most want to read (losing concentration) or attempt writing (which isn't working) or draw (no motivation), so I'm stuick in a weird middleplace.
So... I took a Death Note character quiz. This isn't one of those lame ones that you know exactly what each answers means, this one actually forced me to think about my answers and is more of a personality test than anything.
And the result? I'm totally weird.
But we knew that.
Sooo... I bring it to you to amuse myself. Guh. I need to write... I think I'll work on rewriting Complementary to amuse myself.
EDIT: Holy shit... Complementary is probably one of the worst things I've ever written, second only to the crap that is E Vos is Edo (seriously, guys). How in the hell did any of you read it?! I'm not past the first page and I've already rewritten EVERY LINE. It's utter CRAP! Between the random japanese and the horrible overuse of 'questioned, asked, murmured' etc, I want to shoot myself for having subjected anyone to it. Erk.
You scored 90% introversion, 50% intuition, 50% thinking, and 71% judging!
This personality test is heavily based on the Kiersey Sorter. In essence, it measures your personality across four variables: Introversion-Extraversion, Intuition-Sensing, Thinking-Feeling and Judging-Percieving. There are both positive and negative attributes to each of the traits.
Introversion-Extraversion: Generally, people who score high on "introversion" are reserved, quiet people who keep to themselves whereas people who score low on "introversion" are outgoing, friendly people who are extraverts.
People who score high on "intuition" are guided by gut instinct, they go on intuition as opposed to people who score low on this trait, who prefer to rely on established fact and their senses, rather than their own belief.
Thinking-Feeling: People with high scores on "thinking" rely more on their head to make decisions, whereas people who score low on "thinking" rely more on their heart to guide them. (Note: this has no bearing on a person's intelligence level; it merely refers to the way in which they make desicions.)
Judging-Percieving: People who score high "judging" are firm, decisisive people, whereas people who score low on this trait are flexible, accomodating people.
Stats: Approximately 8% of population.
DN characters with this type: Naomi Misora.
In a nutshell: "A high sense of duty."
Desciption: Quiet, kind, and conscientious. Can be depended on to follow through. Usually puts the needs of others above their own needs. Stable and practical, they value security and traditions. Well-developed sense of space and function. Rich inner world of observations about people. Extremely perceptive of other's feelings. Interested in serving others.
Want see who else you might have been, or what types the other DN characters are? For your own personal information...
Light Yagami
Misa Misa
Ryuk |
Rem |
Raye Penber |
Soichiro Yagami |
Matsuda |
Mogi |
Aizawa |
Ide |
Naomi Misora
Rester |
Hal Lidner |
Mat |
Watari |
Sayu Yagami |
Kyomi Takada |
Teru Mikami And typewise:
INTJ Thanks for taking my test, I hope you enjoyed!
The Jung Type Death Note Test written by
the_hamster on
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