Yes I am using a Naruto icon. Kill me now, before it's too late. But Sasuke is so CUTE, damnit all to hell...
I was able to write about 5 pages of my Harry Potter story before my inspiration died, but HEY, that's the first thing I've been able to write all week, so I'm PROUD!!! Instead, I immerse myself in SasuNaru fanfiction and pray that before it runs out I find inspiration to write and another fandom to set upon. XD
Lesse, what else? Ah yes. Edward *says middle and last name but won't post them*, you are a cruel, mean little boy. So cruel! Torturing me...gah....I'm still worse off for it at the moment. I love you so much that I hate you, you know that? XD Next time you decide to torture me by being nearly nude on webcam....give a gal some warning that sinks in. XD
What else? Hmmmm....I've been MOODY lately. Like, biploar. Yes, yes, I was diagnosed as Bipolar type 2 a few years ago, but its never been very prominent....but the last week I've gone from excited and giddy to hating my lige and pondering where I went wrong in my life. Its rather taxinbg to switch moods so much. The only things that have managed to keep me steady for more than an hour are good fanfiction and Leslie-chan, who endlessly entertains me just by being so unbelievably awesome. *hearts for
eyesofshinigami* *more hearts* Now Shra, you havent been on much or I know you would be able to do the same thing, but you've been busy.
punkwolf39 I'm sorry I didn't send back Scared yet, but hotmail isn't letting me attach today (I did it LATE last ngiht). Tonight or tomorrow morn I will get it over to you, kay love?
Our house is FINALLY free of all visitors and I got to sleep in my own bed last night! Hallejuia! Praise nutmeg!
One other thing...
Don't I rock? It was a tight race, Konzen - 5, Tenpou - 4, and GOjyo - 2. BUT I AM KONZEN and that makes me so very happy. I now can chase after Wolfie-chan and my crush on a certain Kanzeon is now inscetual...BUT HEY! Wheeeeeeeee, fun shit, ne?