wisdom teeth which....

May 29, 2004 08:32

...I don't have any more. Got all four out yesterday. Now my face is all swollen up--I look like a pouty little brat that wants her sucker. Oh well...At least it doesn't hurt too bad. Can't open my mouth very far though. It's a good thing I haven't had to yawn. Apparently the stuff they use to put you mostly to sleep (not all the way, have to go to the hospital for that) is similar to valium. And causes many strange feelings. Like uncontrollable crying, laughing, and, apparently, panic attacks. First one I've ever had. Got it during the operation. Now I don't remember it well it all. Cuz I was mostly out. But I got so scared for no reason that I had no control over what I was doing. I was convinced that I was being suffocated. Now, they put one of those little oxygen things on my nose, and if my nose stopped up, I would probably have believed I was suffocating, which could've had something to do with it... I know my nose was stopped up when I came out of it. Anyway I was so scared I was hyperventilating, because I was convinced I couldn't breathe. They kept telling me to take deep breathes and think happy thoughts. yeah right! I'm panicking here! I tried anyway, but was ahm...unsuccessful...*g* But they got them out anyway. Took me a little while to calm down though. All in all, a very interesting experience. Especially the memory of how it felt when they broke my bottom teeth in half to get them out. And the sickening crunch feeling...
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