I have been here decidedly too long when this sort of incident not only fails to surprise me, but is welcomed.
[Private to Sirius]
I suggest you take advantage of the Network today. I spoke with Potter, Lupin, and Albus when this last occurred.
[Private to Lucius]Make use of your communicator. You may have some luck in contacting your wife
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I know a song about being welcomed! I could teach it to you and you could sing it with whatever's happening!
[It's totally not abnormal to see a strange thing on her TV.]
[She rolls over and stands on her head.]
Whatcha doiiin?
[pause] oh wait. Do you mean..
I'm a pony!
You're asking a fundamental question that encompasses the meaning of the center of the universe. You are asking a question that might in fact result in the destruction of the world as you know it.
Do you have such a burning need to understand the inner workings of the universe? Are you so mired in actual reality that you need to question the beauty that is a small-tiny-talking-pony? Let go and fill yourself with whimsy, I promise that it will work in your favor eventually. For all of your sense of self, this exercise has taught me that far too few of you know how to let go and just enjoy the mother-fucking-ride.
[Then, TWITCH-and her hair is back to normal.]
.....was that clear? [frown] I think that was clear mebbe.
I dunno.
[smile. then. totally serious.]
[her brow furrows. She looks a little sad.]
My deck's fine. I'm normal.
[Says the man talking to a pink pony.]
Are you listening to yourself? are you listening? Think about your life and your choices for a moment. I can begin to imagine what a sort of world you must live in where people's lives are regularly interrupted by the presence-of omnipotent voices from the air-maligned spirits that infect and infest the days of a simple pony's existence. Does this regularly occur for you in some form or another? How do you
Are you sure that I am the one who is mentally in-stable? Un-stable? Does it spread just to you or does it infect others?
Ask yourself is it better to try and take a stand? Or just enjoy the ride and take a little time out for yourself. I recommend a hobby.
[She likes to flay things.]
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