to this:
I hope this is helpful!
I sharpened this cap, you may or may not depending on your base.a
01. Made a new curves layer:
RGB: Input: 99, Output: 168
BLUES: Input: 143, Output 118
02. New colour balance layer:
Midtones: +16, +8, +10
Shadows: +12, +6, -15
Highlights: +3, +4, +5
03. New hue/saturation layer:
Master: 0, +25, 0
04. New channel mixer layer
Reds: +96, -10, -10, +10
Green: -6, +102, 0, 0
Blue: 0, +6, +92, +2
05. New selective colour layer
Reds: -32, +14, +43, 0
Yellows: -23, -36, -41, 0
Whites: +20, -40, -100, 0
Neutrals: +15, -8, -13, -10
06. Hue/saturation layer
Reds: 0, +10, 0
Yellows: 0, -100, 0
07. Selective colour layer
Reds: -10, 0, +100, 0
Yellows: -100, 0, +100, -50
Cyans: +100, +33, +100, -51
Blues: +100, -100, -100, +100
Neutrals: -10, 0, -10, 0
08. Duplicate base, drag to top and set to softlight 70%
09. Make a colour fill layer with # 03082A and set to exclusion 100%
The end!