Apr 22, 2013 03:37
Did you know i have never really read the scriptures,
It has never occurred to me that the knowledge to live life properly comes from these words,
I so much want to to believe that my actions are sole consequence of my my decisions,
I never really questioned that too hard.
For the lions share of my life, i have listened to words;
Listening and understanding are two separate beasts.
My family and their tradition drive me and like love i make leaps of blind faith,
At my heart i can be quite the scepticist, i do question most things afront me.
I live in a rich and vibrant world, one vain enough to poke fun at the archaic routines of bygone years,
One so lost in consumer ideals that it morally and financially bankrupt.
Still the views of my peers and of society matter little, what i am often concerned with is my relationship with what i deem God.
There a two things i consider worthy of time and consideration, the woman i love and god.