iv. action/phone

Jun 19, 2011 13:28

[A. Action for 1451 Mitchell Road!

Smell that everyone? It's the smell of a nice, delicious, home-cooked Japanese style breakfast. There are plates already set and plenty of food to take. She even turns to you with a smile once you walk in. Yep, that's right, a smile, clearly it has to be the end of the world.]

There's plenty to eat, so have as much as you like. Ah, if you prefer something else though, just tell me. I dunno if I'm good at cooking anything else, but I'll give it a try.

[B. Open phone!]

Can't say I'm really used to celebrating a holiday like this, but I thought I'd wish everyone a Happy Father's Day anyways. It only comes once a year, right? You guys should all take it as a day to relax nice and easy. I'm sure someone else will take care of things for you.

[As for the rest of the day, Shiki can be found at:

C. The grocery store! Gotta get some more ingredients to make a nice Father's Day dinner, and maybe even a recipe book or two if the guys in the house prefer something she doesn't know how to make.

D. The flower shop! A good wife and mother should take care to make sure the house looks nice, right? Maybe some flowers will spruce it up.

E. Or maybe you even spot her walking home from either of these places. Feel free to stop her and have a chat. It's not everyday you'll find her in such a good mood after all, specifically for all the guys.]

being this happy is ooc, is a bro underneath it all, this is a hideous post, actually a good cook, + father's day, # phone, # action

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