(no subject)

Jul 21, 2004 09:26

I love my parents raised me - always stand up for yourself and those you care about but be sincere.
They would be so disappointed in how I have handled a few situations i've been in. I know that I am disppointed in myself.

So.. I'm going to apologize -- BUT! son't take my apology the wrong way.. I'm not a hypocrit. I'm not sorry for the things I said but they way they were said. I could've done it in a less rude and more sincere manner.

I couldn't even sleep last night thinking abuot the way things were said.
I'm not asking anyone to forgive me ebcause that's your deal and your decision but I do want you to actually erad what was written because you may not understand.

I feel like such a bad person the way I conducting myself. That is not who I am, I guess I just got caught up in the moment and I don't like the the feeling of disappointment in myself.

You know what.. I have no problems with anyone. If you want to be my friends - that's awesome. And if not that's cool too. But if you are gonig to be my friend - then be a true friend.

I feel better already, I guess my parents raised my right.. to not be a mean person.. maybe others should re-think some things too.

So that's all I had to say...

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