Dec 18, 2004 00:52
i go out, tonite.
i am home, with the smells of christmas baking,
the gingerbreads, the tea cakes ...
russian or mexican ... i dont care
there's nothing for me out there. i play some,
i come home after being called beautiful,
and find something odd on my wrist, something
blinking in my pocket, a yellow kerchief from
referee's at the club. *shrugs*
its not what i want. i know what i want. its not
there anymore. i'm empty.
i am empty.
the cold does not touch me.
it would if i had body, but i don't.
nothing for me.
but i will bake tomorrow, i will make more, to give
to others. not to complete me ANYMORE, but to gift
something which I MAKE, not that i buy. rhugala,
mija, breads, cheeses, more cookies, more sweets,
cheesy potatoes, some odd beans....
cause afterall, its a time to GIVE,
and much as i have nothing,
i have more than many.