Take the quiz:
"Your Drug Personality..."
Weed ;)
Ahh your a stoner ((maybe we should talk))... you are truly a unique person. You are prolly a very smart person, but in your own way. You are close with your friends... sometimes ignorant people will get in the way and think that your a big looser, but thats not how you are, you just like to look at the world from a different perspective, and you like to giggle alot - but who the fuck doesnt??Maybe you have some personal issues going on, but thats part of life - shit will work out. If not, then there is always the option of staring a marijuana farm!!!!
Take the quiz:
"Which drug is best for you?"
You would do geed with a nice joint now and then
Take the quiz:
"Are You a true stoner?"
You are stoner to the max and you ike to have fun keep on toking man...puff...
Take the quiz:
"What Kind Of Drug Is Best For You"
Are You Ready To Hallucinate?
Take the quiz:
"What is your problem?"
Chemical Dependency
So you like to float (literally) on could nine. Watch out don't step on that little purple man...
Take the quiz:
"Are you a true stoner?"
True Stoner
You are a true stoner, just like me you can make a bong or a pipe out of almost anything. Kitchen sinks, toilet paper tubes, flashlights...the list goes on and on. IM me if your still not sure what a body bag is, my yahoo sn is insane angel pie .
Take the quiz:
"Which Zodiac Sign Would You Be Most Compatible With?"
You should hook up with a fiery Aries!
Take the quiz:
"What is your drug? (PICS)"
Weed, Pot, Mary Jane, I can go on with the names. You like life relaxed and slow. You enjoy smoking or eating you yummy drug. Keep chilling...Oh and dude, get out of your parents basement...lol
Take the quiz:
"Why do you wake up every morning?"
Drugs. Only thing that makes me wana live
Weed, hemp, speed, coke, X, it sounds like a delish bowl of goods to you! As long as you can forget your problems and have some fun in the process why not?