Apr 20, 2006 18:05
I lost my bag/had my bag stolen, and it had my video camera in it.
way cool huh
in other news.
dont ask me if I think you clothes look nice nice, especially when I'm wearing the coolest knitted sweater ever.
actuallly, dont ask me ever. It's vein and makes you less of a person.
dont sleep in my bed and be rude to me
dont take advantage of my hospitality
dont use my towel/wax/food with out asking. and i dont mind if you ask.
there's too many people in my life who I try to be nice to, and return he favour by being horrible and rude back to me
keep you legs closed
keep your eyes open
god damn it, I got involved with the wrong people.
-then i think. at least I've got those rad people.
for crying out loud.